Terms Of Service

Cookie Notice

We use some cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide you with personalized content. These cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of our website, for example to remember your login session and preferences.

We do not use cookies for tracking or collecting personally identifiable information.

By using our website, you consent to the use of these essential cookies. You may manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings.

For more information about our cookie usage and privacy practices, please review our Analytics Privacy Policy below.

If you have any questions or concerns about our cookie usage, please contact us.


HydePHP uses two types of analytics and statistics collection; both of them completely anonymous and tracker free.

We never collect any personal data, and we never sell any information. In fact, our analytics data is public!

Cloudflare Web Traffic

Cloudflare provides us with basic DNS-level analytics and statistics, showing things like which countries we receive top traffic from, and the total amount of traffic we get. We have no way of tying any of this data to any specific user.

Open Analytics Database

Our custom Open Analytics Database (analytics.hydephp.com) aggregates data from various sources. None of this data can be tied to any specific user.

We receive data from the following third-party sources:

  • GitHub repository traffic
  • Packagist Installations
  • Cloudflare Web Traffic

We also collect the following data ourselves:

  • Test run statistics through our custom Continuous Integration platform ci.hydephp.com
  • API Requests and Page Views for the Analytics platform.*

*These track both the total number of visits and unique visits using an anonymization algorithm that makes it impossible to tie the unique user to any other activities due to the use of a dual-salt mechanism containing both a server secret and a dated string into a hash that is by design useless for other purposes.


This document was written in good faith by a developer, and not a lawyer, in the hopes that you as well will act in good faith when using our services.

If you have any questions about this document you can contact us at [email protected].